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"When teachers have a strong sense of professional community their morale is better and teacher commitment is higher. Professional community helps support teaching practices, and helps teachers address the uncertainty that accompanies nonroutine teaching of the sort encouraged by many school reform initiatives."
Adam Gamoran
Adam Gamoran
It is often said that the most important asset of any enterprise is the talent and enthusiasm of its workforce. Education is no exception to this premise.
Being teachers such a vital element in the educational process, when designing policies aimed at getting better academic results, what policymakers must not forget is that teachers are no different from employees in the private sector. They want to succeed in their jobs and they demand the tools, the respect, and the sense of empowerment necessary to reach this goal.
As University of Washington scholar Dan Goldhaber stands, "It appears that the most important thing a school can do, is to provide its students with good teachers".
But teachers are known to improve when they analyze, evaluate, and experiment with colleagues in purposeful learning communities (Fullan, 2001). Fullan also suggests that the school level change strategy is developing professional learning community within schools and emphasize the importance of strong teacher community. Therefore, teachers need to be enabled and encouraged to establish a community of learners among themselves (Lave & Wegner, 1991). Maclaughlin and Talbert (2001) also indicated that a collaborative community of practice in which teachers share instructional resources and reflections in practice appear essential to their persistence and success in innovating classroom practices (p.22).
Building up organizations that are able to learn – according to Kofman and Senge- requires basic changes in the ways people think and interact. “The heart of the learning organizations are communities of commitment. Without communities of people genuinely committed to the organizations’ goals, there is no real change”.

"Shapers" 2007: the net is officially born

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010
miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010
jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010
lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 ...
Just a few days away from Illinois University.
I would like to thank all the people that contributed to make this awesome experience possible (especially Vero and Shirley), and to all the colleagues that have sent me their support and good vibes.
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
A great "Sala" was held in Flores on Saturday 29th May.
Teachers from Durazno, Rio Negro and Flores met at liceo Departamental de Flores on a rainy afternoon, to share a wonderful professional development experience. The presenters were: Bonnie Wetherbee, who worked on "Critical Thinking", and PAD Aldo Rodriguez (Writing Workshop).
The event was perfectly organized -as usual- by PAD Ximena Tisnés.
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010
sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010
lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010
viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010
Beca FLTA para Docentes Uruguayos en Centros de Enseñanza Privada y/o Pública
La Beca FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program) ofrece la oportunidad de vivir en universidades de los EE.UU. durante 9 meses para estudiar, impartir clases y asistir a profesores de español dentro del campus universitario.
Dirigida a: Docentes entre los 21 y los 29 años de edad que estén interesados en enseñar español a nivel básico e intermedio, trabajar como asistente de docente en el departamento de español, ayudar a desarrollar estrategias de adquisición de la lengua, vivir dentro del campus universitario y tomar al menos dos cursos universitarios por semestre. Los becarios FLTA serán elegibles para la Beca Fulbright de Postgrado, pero deben comprometerse a residir en Uruguay por al menos 2 años posteriores a terminar la beca en los EE.UU.
Beneficios de la beca
Colocación en universidades de los EE.UU.
Dos cursos sin costo en la universidad, alojamiento, alimentación, y salario como pago por las actividades docentes efectuadas.
Pasaje aéreo internacional, costo de la visa y seguro médico.
Curso de Orientación Previo a la Partida.
Seminario de Orientación en los EE.UU. antes del inicio del año académico.
Los becarios FLTA podrán postularse a su regreso a la Beca Fulbright de Estudios de Postgrado a fin de efectuar una Maestría en los EE.UU.
Perfil de candidato/a: Docente o profesor de inglés de enseñanza privada y/o pública; Ciudadanía uruguaya; Licenciatura o estudios equivalentes (Magisterio/Profesorado); Resultado de 80/550 en el TOEFL; Excelente promedio académico; Dos años de experiencia docente; Tener entre 21 y 29 años al momento de postularse; Preferentemente sin experiencia previa en los EEUU; Residir en Uruguay durante el proceso de postulación y de selección; Compromiso escrito de residencia en Uruguay por 2 años luego de terminar la beca.
Plazo: La Comisión Fulbright ha extendido el plazo para entregar el formulario postulación y documentos adicionales al jueves 10 de junio de 2010. Los candidatos seleccionados serán entrevistados antes de ser nominados oficialmente. Además del formulario llenado e impreso deberán presentar título o diploma, escolaridad, copia de C.I. o pasaporte, formulario m y 3 cartas de referencia.
PARA ACCEDER AL FORMULARIO DE POSTULACION ON LINE O PDF: http://www.flta.fulbrightonline.org/thinking_apply_now.html
Formulario Médico: http://flta.fulbrightonline.org/documents/FLTA_Medical_Form.pdf
Fulbright Commission - Uruguay
Colonia 810 Office 703
Montevideo - 11100 - Uruguay
(+598 2) 9014160 - 9032031
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010
miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010
sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
WHEN? - On April 27, from 6:00 t0 7:30 P.M.
WHO? Teachers that work at liceo #2 and P.A.D. Beatriz Sendic
WHY? To prepare our next Sala and share general information.
domingo, 25 de abril de 2010
Saturday meeting at liceo #4: e-portfolios, xo activities and next Sala's possible agenda.
We would like to thank Soledad Roman (4th grade student) for sharing her fantastic e-portfolio with us. Teachers from Artigas and Bella Union will be able to have a look at it at our next Sala (May 6). See you there!
viernes, 23 de abril de 2010
Visit to María Jesús de Cuadro's class
Today I had the opportunity of meeting a very nice group of students (1º 9 - liceo # 2, Artigas) and their young and hard-working teacher. They made me feel so welcome that we are meeting again on Monday afternoon.
I would like to thank both María Jesús and her students for this incredible experience. It felt great.
Working with the xo laptops at liceo #4 (Teacher: Patricia Dos Santos- Group:2ª5)
(NOTE: Students have previously gone through a process that allowed them to gain confidence and a certain degree of autonomy on writing about people's ruotines. They were engaged in the activity and very happy to be able to connect to the internet in order to find information on people they admire.)
Thanks, Patricia, for sharing this activity with us!
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